Is exemplary. There was this girl mom met years ago, when she was taking classes at NIIT. A newly married beautiful Punjabi girl. And mom couldn't stop talking about her since and eventually I met her too.
As days passed the relationship between the families deepened. She was stationed in Chennai for not too long. Maybe about a couple of years. In her I found a friend, a sister, a voice of reason in addition to my mother. Got to know the lively lovely Punjabi Culture, got introduced to this thing called Worldspace, saw her through a Karva Chauth. And then at that time I thought I should only marry into a Punjabi family. Of course, she drummed sense into me the veggie, and said I am never going to find a Punjabi who doesn't love his chicken tikka. But somehow, I think I should have a previous janma connection with the culture. I adore it and love the people.
Time passed. Her husband and she moved to Jaipur. We continued to stay in touch. When we went to Delhi, we drove down to Jaipur and met up with her and the newest addition, a bonny baby boy - Dhruv. Mom was beside herself. She had a Punjabi grandson :) We discovered the marvel that is Jaipur while staying with her. I still seem to remember the zing in the air of Jaipur, the cycle-rickshaw ride, the malai lassi typical of Jaipur that cant be found anywhere else and I have a special love for the Kundan Jewellery :) Anything that is Rajasthan style jewellery.
They moved to Delhi. And somewhere then, we lost touch. In all these years, I would be reminded of her several times, the times we spent together. And also tried to find her. Tried Orkut with no luck. Remembered her old Email ID, wrote in and that bounced. Several times I willed her to get in touch with me. When I went to Delhi earlier this year I tried to see if there was a way I could find her. Futile.
And today, I log in to Facebook. My Inbox shows two unread messages. One profile with a picture, one without. And the one without spelled out her name. "This is me from the good old days.. see that you have become Big time"...
I felt this ripple of gurgling joy that I have not felt in ages... Of finding someone again. When I spoke to her, she told mom that their moment of "Aha" happened when they were watching the Star Screen Awards ceremony on TV and saw my name in the list of nominees. That I had sung Tere Bina was major for them. And that I was part of Mayya mayya too, was major-er. :)
Spoke to her for quite a while. Did a quick catch up of the years that had flown by.
And am planning to go see her soon, God willing. My nephew is 5 and a half. And I have a pretty niece who is 9 months old.
The world is a pink nice happy place.
And somehow, I dont know why I am signing off this way for the past few posts. But this is wishing for you, that you discover something that you thought you lost and that which gives you the joy that I feel right now. And that the joy within you permeates the beings around you too. So that the small world that all of us have created for us, around us, becomes a joyous place. When you smile, may it radiate from within. And may you connect with the joy that is the core of the universe.
P.S: Happy Ganesh Chaturthi!
Ganpati Bappa Morya..!!!